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Let's Talk

A paint roller applies gray paint on a wall with text "REMODEL OR MOVE?" alongside, suggesting a choice between home renovation or relocation.

Remodel or Move…Which Is Right For You?

Remodel or Move…Which Is Right For You?


Instructors: Nathan Wachtl, S.J. Janis Company, Essam Elsafy, Shorewest Realtors

Day Tuesday, June 17

Time 6:30 – 8:30pm

Focused on investigating the financial differences and opportunities between moving and remodeling, this one night presentation will help educate homeowners on whether to renovate their home to accommodate their changing needs, to buy a new home that is move-in ready or buy a home with greater potential and renovate to meet their specific needs.

Combined with over 25 years of custom residential design and real estate experience, Nathan Wachtl, S.J. Janis Company, and Essam Elsafy, Shorewest Realtors, will explore key requirements in desired North Shore properties, market trends, fair market values and remodeled home case studies with associated costs. Does your home hold potential to adapt to your lifestyle and long term needs or will a new home provide the greatest value for your dollar?

Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in an interactive Q&A session at the end of the presentation. Food, refreshments and giveaways to be provided. There is a $5 fee and you can register online at course code #191002 A1 or call [site_info_phone_number] by June 9th to reserve your spot.

Dream Big. We’ll Handle the Rest.