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Logo for Milwaukee/NARI's Tour of Remodeled Homes, featuring a stylized house graphic and green text. Event focuses on home renovation showcases.

Whitefish Bay Kitchen Remodel Featured at the NARI Tour of Remodeled Homes


Southeastern Wisconsin residents will have an opportunity to “Explore Remodeling’s Finest” at the 16th annual Milwaukee/NARI Tour of Remodeled Homes, Sat., May 16 – Sun., May 17, 2015, from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. daily.

The Tour of Remodeled Homes will allow attendees to view recently completed remodeling and home improvement projects from Milwaukee/NARI contractors.

S.J. Janis is featuring a recent Whitefish Bay kitchen remodeling project this year. The kitchen project was designed to capture the North Shore homeowner’s Pacific island style. A zebra wood island is the center of attention, providing circular traffic flow and an incredible wood grain pattern. Oxford gold granite countertops complement the custom cinnamon-stained cabinetry and field tile backsplash. A custom cork memory wall, illuminated art nook area, and custom red oak radiator covers make this remodeled space feel like home.

Admission is $5 in advance, $7 at the door of the projects. Attendees that bring two, non-perishable food items to the door of the first project they visit will receive a $2 admission discount, with the food items to be donated to The Salvation Army of Milwaukee County. Those that visit project locations can also qualify for an opportunity to win prize packages from Kohler Co. and Ver Halen, The Pella Window Store, with each prize valued at more than $1,000. Call Nick at [site_info_phone_number] or email for tickets.

Dream Big. We’ll Handle the Rest.