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Let's Talk

A paint roller applies gray paint on a wall with text "REMODEL OR MOVE?" alongside, suggesting a choice between home renovation or relocation.

Remodel or Move…Which is Right for you? – One Night Presentation

Back by popular demand, Nathan Wachtl, S.J. Janis Company, and Essam Elsafy, Shorewest Realtors, will provide an interactive presentation exploring market trends, values, remodeled home case studies and associated costs for desired North Shore properties.

Bring pictures of your home to discuss ideas at the end of the presentation and investigate if you should remodel or move! The presentation will be held Wednesday January 29th from 6:30PM – 8:30PM at the Whitefish Bay Lydell Community Center, room 15.   Food, refreshments and giveaways will be provided. There is a $5 fee and you can register online at course code 391922A1 or call [site_info_phone_number] by January 20th to reserve your spot.

Dream Big. We’ll Handle the Rest.